This franchise is with a major group (20 franchises nationally) that has recently merged with a global wholesale company offering an exclusive branding, full support, and is now positioned to attract further Australia wide national accounts. The protected area is the plum CBD and northern inner suburbs of Brisbane. Lighting maintenance performed in major commercial high rise buildings in the CBD as well as many national retail accounts. The new owner does not need to be an electrician - the one month of training (value $20,000 including sales for the month) that will be provided is all you need. Turnover is in the range of $240,000 pa with a net profit of approx 50% FOR APPROXIMATELY 3 WEEKS WORK starting at 9.30am till 4.30pm - this is definately a work / lifestyle business opportunity. Asking price is $99,000 all inclusive, including a Mazda van (take over lease), a new five-year franchise agreement and $10,000 of stock. Be quick, phone now for further information on this lifestyle business opportunity.